Сигурност, конфиденциалност, разбиране

Севджи Еюбова клиничен психолог


30.10. - 01.11.2009 - SEERCP 2009 in Sofia, Bulgaria - РЕГИОНАЛНА КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ ПО ПСИХОЛОГИЯ`2009 - София

26.09.2009 15:17



  • Регионална конференция по психология за югоизточна Eвропа 

Тридневната научна програма обхваща 12 научни симпозиума с над 300 научни доклада (статии, съобщения и постери) от над 550 автора, 20 пленарни доклади от водещи психолози от 5 континента и авторитетни представители на световните организации на професионалните психолози; 25 работни и тренинг семинари, кръгли маси и тематични дискусии с участници от страните в региона и от целия свят.

Подробности за програмата и местата за провеждане на конференцията следете на на www.RCP2009.wordpress.com.






Sevdzhihan Eyubova

Department of Psychology, Constantin Preslavski University of Shumen

Pediatric Unit, MBAL-Shumen AD

63-Vassil Aprilov Street, Shumen, Bulgaria

e-mail: s.eubova@gmail.com


Oro-facial clefts are birth defects in which the tissues of the mouth or lip don’t form properly during fetal development. In Bulgaria, clefts occur in 1 in 700 births, making it one of the most common major birth defects. For many parents giving birth to a baby with cleft is followed by feelings of shock, grief, disbelief, worry and other types of psychological distress. In spite of good cleft surgery available in our country many babies are abandoned by their parents. More than a third of all parents of cleft children were encouraged to abandon their children after birth "as it would be too difficult to care for them at home". Psychological help is need not only for parents but also for the front line health professionals in the delivery rooms, who must be able to address problems that arise for these children and their families and to demonstrate positive health outcomes. Another significant role of psychologist is to provide a link with local community services, maximizing the use of local resources, where they exist. Well-timed psychological help and good multidisciplinary team functioning will enhance the care of children with cleft and can prevent their abandonment to a great extent.


Key words: congenital anomaly, psychological help, medical specialists, team approach